believe there is more for your life.

My mentorship is a holistic approach. It transcends coaching, goal setting, systems and structures. This is about becoming. We will go beyond the immediate tasks or skills you’re looking to develop, while having a wider and deeper focus on the freedom, hope, peace and joy you long for. Who are you? What do you want out of life? Who would you like to be? This isn’t merely about doing because your worth isn’t derived from what you do - if it was, you’d have to do a lot and do it well, while probably never feeling like you can quite measure up. Your worth is based on who you are - your identity - as a woman, a lover, a mother, a nurturer, an overcomer, and the imperfect + beautiful human that you are. And then out of your identity, or your “being,” you put your hands to what you feel called or confronted to do. Our relationship is organic, personalized, and flexible and is led by you. Why? Because you are the co-creator of your own life. You have far more power than you believe and I am here to help illuminate it for you. Our time together will guide you into a new way of being - so when hard times come or old things resurface, you can have them, instead of them having you. We will go beyond your achievement of a “thing",” though that will absolutely be a part of it, and we will take the winding and adventurous road of transformation.

This is your one gift of life: how do you want to honor it?


  • Mentorship acts as the bridge on your journey of transformation. We transcend coaching , goal-setting and structured “systems”: this is about becoming. Can goals and systems be a part of that? Absolutely! Our relationship acts as the “scaffolding” support as you embark on new ways of being with yourself, and also with others.

  • The mentorship relationship is designed to help you gain the freedom you’ve been longing for. True inner- freedom is not about being struggle-free, having ideal circumstances, or doing whatever we want, whenever we want. Freedom is about maintaining an attitude toward life - even when it doesn’t go our way - where we remain open and soft. Where we are not bound by resentment or forever weighed down by pain.

  • You will learn the “how” in transforming pain. Is there a step by step protocol for this? No. Gosh, how I wish there were! It is an art. A skill. Something you learn by doing and something no one should have to do alone. Life can be challenging, and sometimes, it can weigh us down. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you or with life - it is all part of the human experience. Our relationship is guided to bring you through those difficult times - so you can (in due time) use them as a source of power and strength. Broken bones grow back stronger. Your heart can, too.

  • Inner peace is not some distant dream. It’s not about never struggling or feeling “zen” all the time. It’s not a perpetual state of calm. Peace can be anywhere from: learning to quiet and move through oppressive thoughts or emotions to righting a relationship between you and another, to the concept of “living well.” At its Hebrew root the word peace largely means “to be complete or whole.” Pursuing wholeness is also the pursuit of peace. It’s a state of being you can embody, regardless of the chaos that may be going on around you. Our mentorship time together is tailored to you - to help you nurture that inner peace within.

  • When hope feels distant, like a lofty fairytale, or too scary to even consider, I am here to help you cling to it. Often times we want the guarantee that “it will work out” before we are willing to hope. However, commitment is the basis of hope - if we aren’t willing to risk and commit, we only have wishful thinking and fairytales. Hope can feel vulnerable, especially when you’ve experienced disappointment. How hopeful of a person would you say you are? Do you believe your best days can be ahead of you? What would your life look like if you had more hope? What would you even hope for, if you were daring enough to do so? We will work together to breathe fresh air into your life and illuminate the path toward a brighter future.

  • It has been said that “peace is joy at rest, and joy is peace on its feet.” I love this simple explanation because they really are cousins to one another. Joy is not happiness - it is a deep, steady confidence that God is in control of ALL things in your life. At times, we can feel sorrow and joy simultaneously and this is a profound experience. The deeper we let sorrow carve out room in us, the deeper we get to experience joy. And in times of difficulty, joy can feel illusive or be the first to go. This mentorship would be incomplete if I didn’t provide the invitation toward greater joy in your life and how powerful it can be in creating resilience and healing.

Apply for mentorship

In a mentor relationship it is vital to me that your investment returns rich value into your life.  After all, that is why I do what I do!  For this reason, I request anyone interested in the mentorship to fill out a simple questionnaire before our Free 60 Minute Discovery Call.  This way I have a better understanding of who you are, what you want, and what you're looking for so we can cover as much ground as possible in our time together.  Upon submission of your questionnaire, I will be in touch within 24 hours to set up a call.

the what + how

what do i receive with my investment?

  • I offer a 3 month package and a 6 month package

  • It’s just the sweet + beautiful intimacy of you and me, my friend

  • We will have 60 minute calls 3 weeks in a row, followed by one week off. This week off I refer to as an integration week to allow what has surfaced and awakened in you to distill, settle, and be applied. Becoming is less about doing and more about receiving. Too much can lead to overwhelm. We work to soften into your new way of being instead of functioning out of hyper-vigilance. Remember, this is not a race. This is the beautiful unfolding of your life.

  • Overall there are 9 calls for the 3 month package and 18 calls for the 6 month package

  • Unlimited Voxer thread in-between our calls for continual support, working through your shifts and revelations so you can infuse them into your very day life. You have my full support. (Voxer is a free, easy to use app that allows us to share audio messages with ease)

  • Any additional practices and resources that may be inspired by our time together

  • Upon their completion, you will also receive 50% off any 3 of my offerings, which are coming soon!