hi, i’m cortney

I am a wife, mother, daughter, and friend.   I honestly think I was born with this innate desire for more.  As far back as I can remember, I have wanted deeper, wider, and freer in every aspect of my life.  Isaiah 61 has always inspired me. 
If there’s a thread, I’m going to pull on it.  I’ve discovered over the last 20+ years that most threads are unending, just like you and me - infinite souls with no bottom.  The wells of the human heart run deep.  I stopped trying to conquer the “knowing” and began celebrating the mysteries of life, God, and humanity.  This has been liberating.
I’m a born and raised Southern Californian who moved to Idaho in 2022 in search for a quieter, slower life for our family.  This was on the heels of an extremely painful season of life: losing our home to an accident, and finding out my husband had been relapsing after years of sobriety.  To say this move required risk and faith would be an understatement.  But I felt God calling us here and it was the only thing that made sense - since then I have learned the name of our street means: “hearing from God.” What I thought at times would be the demise of my marriage, and honestly of my future as I knew it, turned out to be the most merciful thing that ever happened to me and to us.  This is only one chapter of many transformative chapters in my life, and my husband and I are living proof that rock bottom is just solid ground: you can always begin again.
Becoming a mother has been one of the richest teachers and has taught me more than any book ever could.  I continue to learn there is no finish line, no specific destination where things get easier - but rather, my container expands.  My ability to nurture, love, grant patience, grace, and wisdom grows as they do. As I parent them, I too am being parented - over and over again.
I have wrestled with my purpose outside of motherhood for years.  I have resisted the call on my life because I diminished it - when all along, God was turning these wounds into something that I could share with the world.  A pearl starts out as a wound to an oyster - then it becomes something beautiful overtime. Why would I keep these pearls to myself? I cannot and I will not.  It is my mission to share them with you, while reflecting to you the pearls you carry.  They're there.
I love to write, read, listen to music, watch old movies and at times - do nothing at all!  I’m a homebody at heart and I’'ll choose cozy family time over pretty much anything. I am a deep feeler, highly sensitive to  other people's energy, and one of my favorite verses is when Jesus says "we must become like little children."  I have pondered this over the years and can't help but wonder if a large part of our "becoming" is in the undoing of everything we pick up along the way - the ways we protect, hide, feel shame, and shrink back.  
Perhaps God is inviting us all into greater curiosity, restoring our sense of awe and innocence and childlike-play, reminding you and me of our inter-dependence and how we need one another, all wrapped up in the wisdom that's offered as we let life IN instead of protecting ourselves against it.
I have chosen this work because of the work that has been done in me; because I believe the wounds I've lived through are meant to be a source of healing for others.  My story, and all the pain and beauty it possesses, is not merely for me to contemplate or carry.  I believe it is meant to be shared, not just in word, but in presence - into who I have become because of it.  We become freer, more hopeful, more at peace through the witnessing off one another - this is how we heal.

“When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers.”

— Henri Nouwen